Welcome To BELO

BELO is a leading business language training organisation supporting employees who have English as a second language (ESL). Our Cambridge qualified (CELTA) tutors improve productivity by removing the foremost barrier to high performance - English speaking, reading, writing and pronunciation.

All of our courses are bespoke and are relevant to each learner’s job function whilst reiterating our clients employer brand and business goals.

Our lessons encourage the role-play of everyday situations from speaking with managers and supervisors to effective understanding of instructions and practicing appropriate language to deal with issues.

The business benefits of sponsoring English learning include; increased loyalty, reduced hiring costs and more efficient teams. These skills also play a critical role in protecting the organisation’s reputation and building customer confidence.

Contact us today for a consultation meeting on how we can help your business grow with the talent you already have.

‘We have an inclusive culture and our workforce diversity is growing. Why isn’t this improving the organisation’s bottom line?’

If your workforce consists of an ESL (English as Second Language) population you may recognise the scenarios below, all of which impact your business success:

  • Without investment in good English language skills your ESL employees can be segregated. This is commonly seen where the most prolific communicator leads a work team by translating the team’s instructions and goals.  The team management is replaced by ‘chatter groups’  which limit efficiency, slow-down productivity and undermine the organisation’s direct relationship with its own employees.

  • A lack of individual English skills create misunderstandings with employers, colleagues and customers.  This can have financial implications in terms of agreements, it can produce reputational damage and it can also reduce customer confidence.

  • The work from ESL teams can be slower than you would expect due to the need for more repetition of instructions and the requirement for greater clarity.

  • ESL employee retention level tends to be low.

And how does it affect the employee?

BELO can help. An organisation that invests in ESL employees is investing in the growth of the business.

Read on to find out about the business benefits of working with BELO.

“With the support of BELO teachers, my English conversation has improved so much, thank you!”

— Student M, Barcelona